When it comes to cars, faster and more powerful cars are often coveted. Thanks to improved technologies, cars are becoming increasingly more sophisticated and efficient.
In general, sports cars have turbochargers to increase the power. However, in recent years more mainstream cars we see on the roads also have these functions and this appeals to a lot of car enthusiasts.
If you have a boost function in your car you might be wondering what it does, or if you’ve always wondered what the function does we’re here to help explain this. In this article, learn what the ‘boost’ setting is in a car and how it works.
What Is Boost?
The boost in a car refers to the positive pressure that is created by a turbo or supercharger. This boost forces more air into the engine of the car and is matched along with more fuel and creates more power in the car. As a result, the more air pushed into the engine the more power is produced.
An engine with a boost function is the same size as a normal engine, but it just produces more power. Despite the smaller size, the engine can still produce high horsepower more efficiently which can be cost-effective in terms of saving gas.
How Does Boost Work?
The boost function of a car comes from a turbocharger.
A turbocharger is a forced induction system that compresses the air flowing into a car’s engine, this compression forces more air into the cylinder along with more fuel. With this combination, there is an explosion of power in the cylinders and as a result the engine.
A turbocharger isn’t always ‘on’, it is usually activated by a specific speed and how hard the engine is working. This signals that the car needs more power to move.
A turbocharger usually spins between 80,000 and 200,000 rotations per minute (rpm), which is 30 times faster than a standard engine (see also ‘What Does No Engine Brake Mean?‘). This huge increase in speed is what attracts many car enthusiasts to opt for a car with a boost function.
Not all turbochargers are the same, just as all cars aren’t the same. They can differ in size and power in order to contribute to different functions such as response and power.
Why Does A Car Have A Boost Function?
Not all cars have a boost function, the cars that have them usually have this function built-in. These are optional extras and do not contribute to the normal functioning of a car. The boost function of a car can be used when you need an extra boost on a road that has higher speed limits such as a highway.
When you need some extra power going up a steep hill, rough terrain or in high altitudes where the air is less dense, using the turbo boost can help to navigate these situations.
Which Cars Have Them?
Diesel engines are more suited to turbocharging as they feature simple intake systems compared to a petrol engine, these systems mix fuel and air. Diesel engines also have tougher engine blocks that can handle the air pressure generated by the turbo.
This is not to say that petrol engines cannot have a turbo engine. Lightweight, alloy petrol engines have been refined over the years to contain ultra-high turbo pressures. These lighter engines mean the car weighs less and as a result is more efficient.
Benefits Of A Boost
Besides the obvious increase in power, there are several other benefits to having a turbo engine such as the increase in torque. This is an engine’s strength; small petrol engines don’t tend to produce much torque at high revs without a turbo which can limit the cars capabilities.
Cars with a turbo charge also have quieter exhaust pipes which can reduce the amount of fuel that comes out of them. As you would expect, these quieter exhaust pipes make them a quieter car. Less noise pollution is always a benefit if you’re living in a busy city.
Negatives Of A Boost
The term ‘turbo lag’ refers to the time delay between pressing the throttle and the power being delivered to the engine. This isn’t a huge deal, however it may be frustrating for the driver.
Luckily, modern technology tries to minimize the lag as much as possible using electric motors or more than one turbo with different sizes to operate at different revs.
Another negative of turboos is the fact they can malfunction if they are abused, neglected or the car has a high mileage.
Boost Controllers
Boost controllers are devices that allow you to alter the amount of boost pressure created by your turbocharger. There are two types of boost controller: mechanical (gated) and electronic.
A mechanical boost controller allows you to operate the boost setting via a switch. Whereas an electronic boost controller is activated by triggers such as gear change, time, or a manual switch.
These controllers are an effective way of improving your car’s performance as you can manually adjust the amount of boost pressure your engine produces. Overall, this leads to increased efficiency and maximize power.
These components can be added onto your car at a later date if you feel this necessary.
The Dangers Of The Boost Function
Not every driver will be familiar with handling the increased amount of power which may lead to a loss of control over the car and a potential accident. Using the boost function in areas where the speed limits are not appropriate can also cause harm to the driver and other road users.
The Bottom Line
The boost function of a car helps to increase the power of the engine through the increased airflow. Although this isn’t a necessary function it can be one that speed lovers and sports car enthusiasts seek out when buying a car.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Much Horsepower Does A Turbocharger Add?
Generally speaking, a turbocharger can add between 30-40% more power to a car’s engine which is roughly 70 to 150 horsepower.